Thursday 2 October 2014

Lecce, ITALY

WHERE: Lecce, PugliaITALY
WHEN: August 2014, 1 day
WITH: friends (+4)
HOW: Car from Mancaversa (45mins)
WEARING: Casual Denim

Lecce es conocida como la Florencia del sur, y es famosa por el estilo Barroco Leccese y la gran cantidad de edificios y monumentos importantes. Yo la visité en un día y la verdad es que me faltaron ojos para ver todo lo que hay!

Lecce is known as The Florence of the South thanks to the amount of historical monuments, most of them with their own Leccese baroque style. I visited it in one day, but I would have stayed a couple more, too much to see!


LO MEJOR/THE BEST: El peculiar barroco "Leccese", presente en la mayoría de edificios

LO PEOR/THE WORST: Demasiado interesante para verlo en un día, habrá que volver... / Too interesting for a one day trip, I'll have to visit again... 

Conocéis Lecce? Os gustaría ir? Comentad abajo!

Have you ever been to Lecce? Would you like to visit? Comments below!

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